Community R.15-3696 Grey 3-way, full-range, weather resistant loudspeaker List price: $500.00Price: $500.00
COMMUNITY DS5 5-inch High Output, High Quality Surface Mount Two-Way List price: $290.00Price: $290.00
Community R.35COAX TWO-WAY 10-INCH COAXIAL WEATHER-RESISTANT LOUDSPEAKER List price: $810.00Price: $810.00
Community R.25-94Z 8" 2-Way Outdoor Loudspeaker with 90x40 Horn Pattern List price: $848.00Price: $848.00
Community R.25-94TZ 8" 2-Way Outdoor Speaker with Transformer & 90x40 Pattern List price: $958.00Price: $958.00
Community R.35-3896 10-inch Ultra-Compact Coaxial Two-Way Outdoor Speaker List price: $1,050.00Price: $1,050.00
Community ENT212 TWO-WAY, COMPACT COLUMN LINE SOURCE LOUDSPEAKER List price: $1,300.00Price: $1,300.00